Early last week, I announced that I would officially introduce my new venture. June 1st was supposed to be…the big reveal!
Well, 8 minutes and 46 seconds changed all that.
On Monday, my friends gathered six feet apart as planned, to raise a glass and asked, “Did we miss something? I didn’t see your announcement.” My response was vague…littered with incomplete thoughts.
Like most of the world, I had spent the last few days, internalizing the horrific footage of George Floyd’s murder and digesting the national headlines. And, like most of Black America, I was also offering insights in response to my white friends’ questions and reflections. Honestly, I barely realized that Monday had rolled around…the “launch” seemed inconsequential and tone deaf at best.
Instead, June 1st looked like this. In the morning, my son yelled into the other room, “Ma, can I go to the beach with Chris?” My answer was, “Heck yeah! You better take yourself to that beach with your best friend and live your best life!” The truth is, the two of them have been thinking, talking and posting about all the events for days; and I was happy to release them into some normalcy.
So, sitting in an empty living room, I went to a old playlist and let Kendrick Lamar and Frankie Beverly & Maze work on my spirit. In their own way, they wisely reminded me that joy - pain - sunshine - rain, are all interconnected. After my music therapy, I decided to talk to a few trusted friends who were showing glimmers of restoration and hope. My only objective was to share some good energy and get refocused! With each conversation, I gained clarity. With each conversation I was reminded to stop playin’, and get crystal clear on who I’m serving and why. Thank God for dear friends!
The reality was that in just those few days, I had started to lose my footing and forget what I am made of. I was falling into the white supremacy danger-zone where the lies became distracting, masterful and destructive. So, as a business owner, I got back to the basics, and I offer this to you...when you wake up each morning get grounded.
Okay, on the surface this might appear to be self-help ‘woo-woo,’ but trust me, getting grounded quickly can make or break your spirit.
So, this morning, I reintroduced me… to me and committed to launching my company in honor of my son, my ancestors and in full response to the hateful haze that hangs over this country.
Here’s the cool part, I’m a fourth generation entrepreneur on my mom’s side. Special love to Ancestry.com for recently helping me discover that ownership runs three generations deep on my dad’s side. The fact is, I couldn’t shrink from this moment even if I wanted to! It's in my DNA! Allow me to introduce Jes & Co.
We’re a company built on the principles of self-discovery and transformational leadership. You’ll find us at www.jesaverhart.com as we build brands that require curiosity and a heart for reinvention! Here’s what we’re up to. JOIN US! Sign up for our e-Newletter and get a FREE download. Also, check out the latest podcast on the secrets to Reinvention!
REINVENTION e-MAP | A newsletter featuring the BADDEST Reinvention Rockstars in the game, along with my best advice on how to level up and reinvent yourself despite your fears and negative self-chatter. Sign up and join us and I'll send you the "6 Biggest Roadblocks to Reinvention"
REINVENTION ROAD TRIP | The coffee-shop style podcast helping thousands of women dream bigger and level up in business and life! Learn from Extraordinary Women from across the country who share their POWERFUL Reinvention stories. Each one, dropping unique gems and takeaways just for you!REINVENTION ROADMAP | The "Art meets Science" course that has 6 Stops designed to move you through a powerful journey of self-discovery and personal reinvention. You've been thinking about the next BETTER Version of You...so stop playin' and let's go do this, together! SIGN UP for the Waitlist…the course drops in July!
OH, Yes, COACHING | No doubt about it...we all need coaching at various times in our journey. My personal coaching and mentoring relationships have caused me to think deeply, change course and seek fulfillment. If you're feeling the nudge to get more clarity on your specific personal or professional goals, let's talk! We use the Reinvention Roadmap Curriculum as a guide to co-create your personal coaching plan and determine how far you want to lean in.
*DNA - Howard Benson, Kendrick Lamar, Lenny Zakitck, Lia Johnson, Michael Len Williams, Sidni Tipton for contributing these powerful lyrics to my restoration.
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