Sustainability Gets a Whole New Meaning

now what? reinvention Mar 30, 2023

(First appeared in WRAL TechWire.)

We often talk about designing the life we WANT…what about honoring the life we NEED!

Like millions of students, my son just wrapped up his Spring Break in South Florida. He trekked around Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, where he attends college. He had a ball with his friends and got the mental reset he and so many students and teachers need to finish the academic year strong.

I love this annual ritual. But…it also made me wonder why Spring Break doesn’t apply to adults. I’m not talking about vacation PTO. I’m talking about unstructured and untethered time off designed in service of our need to unplug from the matrix and reconnect to ourselves and the things that matter.

So, a couple weeks ago I stopped wondering and decided to take an annual ‘Spring Break’ in April.

Now, if you’ve been following this column, you’ll remember that last year around the same time I was not this...

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Wow… such an incredible response from last week’s post about burnout. I heard from several of you! So many good thoughts on how hard (and real!) burnout is, which sent me on a quest to one, deal with my own burnout, and two, seek answers to how to best handle it.  

I talked with a friend of mine who is a mental health counselor. She confirmed that yes indeed, burnout is both common and debilitating. Burnout feels spiral-ry… it feels like you are spinning out of control. You spiral repeatedly until you’re so exhausted that you want to crawl under your desk and sleep for the rest of the year.

The good news is you can prevent burnout! It all comes down to the commitment to daily mental health practices that recharge and relax you, which is probably no surprise in principle but can be super hard to actually do. After all, it takes self-discipline to choose your mental health practice over whatever demands are in your face screaming at you. 


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Personal Enemy #1 - Burnout

On Monday I was wrestling with the onset of burnout. The feelings of overwhelm almost took me out!  From calendar and volunteer commitments to client deadlines, unanswered text messages, and was a lot. I was losing my mojo. Burnout stirs thoughts that can either crush us forever or inspire us to make big changes. Thoughts like:
  • I’m soooooooooooo tired.
  • What if I can’t do this any longer? 
  • If I keep on like this, what will happen to me inside? Can I bear it?
Last week I sent invitations to beta test our new 28 Day Reinvention Road Trip cohort. Obviously, I read ALL the applications, and one woman specifically mentioned BURNOUT! Instantly, I said out loud, “I totally get this! I can’t wait to work with her!” I wanted to jump through my laptop and give her a big hug.


Because burnout is real, folks and it takes real courage to admit feeling burned out. It takes even more guts to look it in the eye and say, "Hell, no!...
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Get Grounded and Go!

“I got POWER, POISON, PAIN and JOY inside my DNA”*

Early last week, I announced that I would officially introduce my new venture.  June 1st was supposed to be…the big reveal!  

Well, 8 minutes and 46 seconds changed all that.  

On Monday, my friends gathered six feet apart as planned, to raise a glass and asked, “Did we miss something? I didn’t see your announcement.”  My response was vague…littered with incomplete thoughts. 

Like most of the world, I had spent the last few days, internalizing the horrific footage of George Floyd’s murder and digesting the national headlines.  And, like most of Black America, I was also offering insights in response to my white friends’ questions and reflections.  Honestly, I barely realized that Monday had rolled around…the “launch” seemed inconsequential and tone deaf at best.  

Instead, June 1st looked like this.  In...

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The 5 Boss Quotes to FUEL Your Reinvention Road Trip!

Ahhh yes, you've been soul searching and thinking about your next move?  

While everyone else has been researching where to buy toilet paper and theorizing if Carol really did kill her husband, you've used your "Stay at Home" order to evaluate your life, your work, your hobbies, your world...right?  


Welcome to the sacred circle of contemplators, dreamers and wonderers. Think of this as the outer circle of a bullseye; it's the easy target...and it should be!  It's important to dream and dream often.  But how can you sharpen your aim and get serious about really living your dream - hitting the bullseye?  

If you're ready to take your life to the next level, these 5 quotes can prop you up along the way and remind you that YOU actually can do this!  You CAN do this!  You can DO this!   You can do THIS!  

Okay, you get the point!  Here are the 5 quotes I personally live by...they...

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