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Sustainability Gets a Whole New Meaning

now what? reinvention Mar 30, 2023

(First appeared in WRAL TechWire.)

We often talk about designing the life we WANT…what about honoring the life we NEED!

Like millions of students, my son just wrapped up his Spring Break in South Florida. He trekked around Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, where he attends college. He had a ball with his friends and got the mental reset he and so many students and teachers need to finish the academic year strong.

I love this annual ritual. But…it also made me wonder why Spring Break doesn’t apply to adults. I’m not talking about vacation PTO. I’m talking about unstructured and untethered time off designed in service of our need to unplug from the matrix and reconnect to ourselves and the things that matter.

So, a couple weeks ago I stopped wondering and decided to take an annual ‘Spring Break’ in April.

Now, if you’ve been following this column, you’ll remember that last year around the same time I was not this inspired. In fact I was the exact opposite of inspired. A year ago I was so burned out I wasn’t sure what end was up. And it took one teary phone call to signal that I had to take my life back —and do it quick, fast and in a hurry. It was in that moment that I decided to explore ways to live beyond burnout. And I did.

Those 30 days inspired me to learn what the experts have to say on the topic. I talked to executive women in the area about what they are experiencing and tested out methods for effective rest, recovery and renewal.

A year later I feel great about the systems and filters I’ve put in place and truly feel like I’m now living beyond burnout. And believe me, it’s no small feat to turn the ‘ship of overwhelm’ around and chart a new course. That said, we all know that the next hurdle is sustainability. How do you keep your life between the bumpers? This is where my spring break will come in – a time spent in service of sustaining my progress and reflecting on what’s working and what needs tweaked.

So, what will I do on my Spring Break…

Well, I’m not running to Bali. I’ll still keep my 90-day planning session with my staff. I’ll still take my coaching calls, speaking engagements and client meetings that were already on the books. But as of last week, I froze my calendar. Now, every open spot in April is unapologetically on hold for “Spring Break” where I’ll devote myself to self-care and inspiration.

And why April and not November…

That’s easy! March is Women’s History Month and I’m all in! In fact, we love March so much at Reinvention Road Trip., we liken it to Christmas, and you know how Christmas is for the parents who are doing all the planning, purchasing, wrapping, and cleaning up. Wonderful as it is, it can be exhausting. So, it’s time to rest. And that rest will result in new ideas, so… watch out, world! Good things are bound to emerge come May!


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