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Meaningful Milestones—And Why They Matter

(First appeared in WRAL TechWire.)

Last week we talked about micro-connections, those tiny-yet-potent ways we can connect with the people around us, increasing our sense of belonging and our sense of fulfillment—even on days we interact only with strangers!

Today I’m here to talk about something that takes more effort, but is worth every bit of energy expenditure. Why? Because this is one of the most powerful ways you can deepen your connection with the people around you.

What am I talking about?

The recognition of meaningful milestones.

If you were tempted to stop reading the second you saw that this was about milestones, you’re exactly the person who needs to read this. Because really, before you can leverage this powerful tool, you have to recognize the fact that milestones matter.

Here’s an example: we just had our three-year business anniversary. You might say, so what? Three years? Well, small business owners put their hearts and souls into their...

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