Keynote Speech Topics

Keynote #1: Living Beyond Burnout: Keys to Restoration and Recovery

Put burnout into perspective and hear insights from C-Suite executives about what they are seeing in workplace culture. Gain deeper understanding of the phenomenon of burnout and learn practical ways to interrupt the stress cycle using data gathered through Reinvention Rest Stop: Living Beyond Burnout and the work done by Drs. Amelia Nagoski and Emily Nagoski.

Past Audiences: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, Amazon, SAS Championship Women’s Day, AENC, Blue Cross NC

Takeaways: Each participant will:

  • Identify how and why burnout occurs

  • Learn 3 filters to determine when to say yes, no
 or not now

  • Learn immediate actions to interrupt the stress cycle

Testimonial: "Jes Averhart's Living Beyond Burnout talk came closer to addressing the workplace culture issues at my company than anyone ever has. Despite some of us being in shock at hearing such truth, I can wholeheartedly say we needed that. A lot more people need to hear it, too. There’s a lot of work to do." - Anita, Broadcasting Executive

Keynote #2: Meet the Fab 4 - Cracking the Code of High Performing Teams

Have you ever noticed that you find certain aspects of your role at work energizing
 and other aspects absolutely exhausting? You look over at your coworker happily working away and wonder
how does she do it? Well, the logic puzzle might be simpler than you think.

Enter the Fab Four.

In every successful work ecosystem, you’ll find a combination of four types of role players. All four bring unique perspectives and offerings. The trick is to find the harmony that ensures each person is actually playing to their strengths. In this session, we'll take a look at the contributors necessary to support extraordinary results.

Past Audiences: The Kroger Company, Durham Technical Community College, C.L.I.M.B., NCPMI, Entrepreneur Organization (EO), ACECNC

Takeaways: Each participant will:

  • Learn the four types of contributors essential for high performing teams

  • Identify which one of the four contributors they are and which key roles might be missing

  • Better understand the key success drivers in each lane of influence

Testimonial: “Jes’s Fab 4 session set the groundwork needed for me to have a productive discussion with the CEO of our startup about our roles. Now that we clearly see and value our respective roles as disruptor and creator, we have crafted a more productive work environment and work flow between the two of us. All told
 I was able to define and implement a role that is more intuitive to my nature
 a win for myself, and a win for the company, too.” - Gerty, EO Forum

Keynote #3: Unplugging from the Matrix: Freeing Your Team from Performance Culture Addiction

Ryan Ray, President and CEO of Jobs for Life once said to me, “Most people are living their lives as if they’re always preparing for a big test.”

This ‘addiction’ to performance culture—i.e. the pressure to perform in the workplace—is often overlooked when examining problems with team morale, staff retention and talent attraction. This workshop addresses the root causes of performance culture addiction, including ways leaders can break free from this addiction—for themselves and their teams.

Past Audiences: Palo Alto Networks, St. Elizabeth Healthcare, The Kroger Company

Takeaways: Each participant will:

  • Understand what performance culture addiction is and its impact on workplace culture

  • Identify if they themselves are a performance culture addict or healthy high performer

  • Learn how to set their teams free from performance culture addiction

Testimonial: “Such an insightful session by Jes Averhart hosted by Palo Alto Networks Womens Network Community! JUST the real talk I needed as a new mom working from home full-time đŸ‘©đŸ’»! 

It's so easy to fall into the performance culture trap and I often catch myself saying yes to unimportant things b/c I'm moving a mile a minute!” – Session participant, Palo Alto Networks

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