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Can You Stand the Heat?

crucible moments Mar 09, 2023

(First appeared in WRAL TechWire.)

It’s Women’s History Month, and I’m here for it! Today, I want to take a moment to spotlight two women who know what the phrase ”when the going gets tough” really means.  Women who didn’t crumble in the face of adversity and that I deeply admire. These women harnessed the power of the crucible moment to live better. Louder. Fuller.

So, what are crucible moments? Crucible moments are when you feel the heat. Moments when the loss was deep or the challenges daunting. The times when you thought it’s sink-or-swim and I don’t know if I’m going to make it.

When I think of my own crucible moments, I think about the season that followed my divorce. Trying to make it as a single mom. Living in a new community with virtually no friends and working a patchwork of freelance projects to try and pay the bills in the middle of the recession. I could have folded… but I found the strength not to...

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New Column in TechWire!

Below you'll find my first article in my new weekly column in WRAL Techwire. Enjoy!

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – Hello TechWire!! I’m thrilled to be on this platform with you. Six years ago, I was introduced to the Triangle Tech Community by way of the American Underground where I co-founded Black Wall Street Homecoming, a nonprofit created to address the funding gap for founders of color. Since then, I’ve watched the Triangle emerge as one of the fastest growing markets in the country for entrepreneurs and tech companies and am honored to join the many voices that speak to you each week.

As CEO of Jes & Co and creator of 28 Days of Reinvention, I hope this weekly column provides the insight about reinvention required to help you confidently determine your next right steps.

Why? Well, we’re in a bit of a crisis it seems. These days, it feels like we’re having trouble tapping into our mojo. We’ve replaced the...

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